Tuesday, 7 June 2011

Tuesday Love

Day two of the workshop and the progress is remarkable, people working very calmly and with great concentration on their narratives. It seems that the theme, LOVE, to which people have responded with great commitment and generosity, has created a solid working atmosphere. Some people feel upset on relaying the nature of their stories, and this is understandable, somehow people have moved beyond the typical themes of LOVE to bigger places. This is really a great leap forward. A bottleneck of people waiting to record themselves, great volunteers who really get behind the nature of each individual story, thirteen people to work with and equip with tools they can use again and again after the workshop.

A great Euro feast last night, toasted with Icelandic schnapps and Lithuanian green wine, cheese and home cooked Portugese bread, icelandic dried fish, salami, oatcakes, artisanal food, pastries and pasties. Then dinner tonight out in Bristol, lots of fun and laughing. The Mexican stare of two cameras pointed at each other, people relaxing after a long day of work in the studio space.

Many thanks to all for their attention, their expectations and their grasp of new tools.


Great Work!

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