Wednesday, lots of progress, some bends in the road, some new ideas...
Most of our participants have a timeline now, with media on it, which is very exciting because its a huge learning curve and a massive achievement for people with no experience of moving image. Apart from Maria and her mathematical choreography. Very very inspiring to see people make the connection between images, words and arranging them together in linear space. Vera and Suse and their sudden realisation that "between the pictures there will be black, we didnt know." they staged their films like points in a map, and now realise the map has gaps. We have a discussion around the gaps, gaps are ok, or we can include video of the world now to contrast with the world then. Unusually, now that I think of it, apart from Michel and his current love affair with Les Sables, or Bjorn and the sculpture park, lots of the stories are about a reconciliation between the past and the now.
I worked with Elin a lot and her incredible black and white images from the home of her maiden aunts. a life with no technology, an abundance of love for a small girl from the one hundred year old women. A wonderful experiment with Vitalija, where we suddenly pinned her prints to the wall to re photograph them and emulate rapidly, her collage assemblage ways. A way to bypass the scanner and make instant dynamic juxtapositions to accompany her vivid love poem to Winter. Filming Rui's mobile dextrous hands. Great group, lots of concentration and lots of realisation re durations and where the story is within all the extraneous text.
Thanks as ever to remarkable, kind, patient volunteers. Incredible support form them, hugely appreciated by everyone. Thank you.
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